Thursday, January 04, 2007

"All in the Family" Vocabulary

Increase your knowledge of the French language words that represent relationships among family members by thinking about the relationships among characters in the terrific novels listed below. (Grade six and grade seven students will recognize several of these as Benchmark Books.) Would you like to recommend a favorite book to add to this list? Please stop by the IMC and speak with Mrs. O'Keefe, or send an email request to!

FREAK THE MIGHTY, by Rodman Philbrick
Learn more about brilliant and severely handicapped Kevin, his friend, Max, who is very large and struggles with learning disabilities, and the other interesting characters in this compelling story, by reading this Common Sense Media book review.

Learn about author Rodman Philbrick by reading his article, "Finding a Voice" (1995).

THE WESTING GAME, by Ellen Raskin
Meet sisters Turtle and Angela Wexler, James Shin Hoo, Judge J.J. Ford, and the many other heirs who must uncover the mysterious death of eccentric millionaire Samuel Westing in order to claim their inheritance, by clicking here.

Learn about the author, and view portions of her original manuscript of The Westing Game, by clicking here.

THE GIVER, by Lois Lowry
Jonas is the protagonist in this terrific novel. His younger sister's name is Lily. For a more detailed list of characters and the relationships among them, please click here.

Ponyboy Curtis serves as the narrator and protagonist of this classic novel. Ponyboy, whose parents died in a car accident, lives with his brothers, Darrell and Sodapop Curtis. For more information about these and other characters in this book, click here.

ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, by L.M. Montgomery
For a lengthy list of the characters in this novel, including Diana Barry's Aunt Josephine, click here.

THE THIEF LORD, by Cornelia Funke
When unpleasant Aunt Esther Hartlieb decides that she wishes to adopt only five-year-old Ben, but not his 12-year-old brother Prosper, after the death of their mother, the boys flee to Venice. To learn more about this novel, click here.

STORY TIME, by Edward Bloor
"Certifiable genius" George Melvil and his niece Kate Peters are the central characters in this funny and thought-provoking novel that touches on "standardized testing, literacy, intelligence, wealth and ignorance", and how they pertain to schools today. To learn a bit more about this very interesting book, click here.

A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS, by Daniel Handler, under the pseudonym of Lemony Snicket
"The series follows the unlucky lives of the three siblings; Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire after their their parents; Beatrice and Bertrand Baudelaire are killed in a fire at their family home. In The Bad Beginning, they briefly live with a friend of their parents, Mr. Poe before being sent to live with Count Olaf who is supposedly either the siblings' third cousin four times removed, or their fourth cousin three times removed."

To learn more about the characters in this wildly popular series, click here.

BEFORE WE WERE FREE, by Julia Alvarez
This terrific novel features a lengthy list of family members, including Anita, the protagonist, her parents, and her many aunts, uncles (one important character is Uncle Toni) and cousins. To learn more about the characters in this book, as well as about its author, click on the these links: review
Teens@Random's "Conversation with Julia Alvarez"

HARRY POTTER series, by J.K. Rowling
Who can resist Harry and his loyal friends Hermione and Ron (and the entire Weasley clan!), as well as the fantastic assortment of interesting characters featured in each of the books in this wonderful series? Learn more about them by clicking here.

GIRL IN BLUE, by Ann Rinaldi


STARGIRL, by Jerry Spinelli